The Coalition for Sailors Against Destructive Decisions (CSADD) is a Navy-wide organization that focuses on preventing junior sailors from making decisions that will have negative impacts on their lives and Navy careers. CSADD chapters at naval installations across the globe provide fun activities for sailors ranking E5 and below, ages 18-25. The Naval Medical Center San Diego chapter wanted a cleaner, updated logo to better serve their organization.
I decided to keep this logo very simple but classy to provide a clean, modern contrast to the logo CSADD was previously using. I used a ship’s wheel in the center of the logo to symbolize the aim of the organization to steer sailors in the right direction and added rings of blue gradient around it to draw the eye inward. I chose Bitter, a strong slab serif, to set the full name wrapping around the imagery, though the mark can be pulled out and used on its own.